Jennifer Moore, Yoga Instructor

About Jennifer

My first journey on a yoga mat was in 1998 taking a hot 26/2 Series class in Los Angeles. It was an adventure I had never been on the likes of before…sweat drenched, limit pushing, gut wrenching. That experience planted a yoga seed within me that took root and blossomed over the next 2 decades.

After steadily practicing for 6 years, I studied to guide the 26/2 Series and Vinyasa Flow (Yogaworks trained) and have been teaching those styles in LA since 2004. Recently, I completed Yin Yoga Teacher Training (Hot 8 Yoga) and look forward to adding that style to my LIVE Zoom offerings.

I am a yogi, animal lover, traveler, adventuress, and truth seeker. Nature and the smallest kindnesses shared between us inspire me deeply. My teaching will ground you and physically challenge every fiber of your being. I will encourage you to be one with your breath and invite you to open your heart. You will step off of your mat invigorated and connected.

As we navigate these choppy uncharted waters of social distancing and drastic changes, practice with me. We will move through this together in community and emerge touched with fresh perspectives and learned lessons for living our lives with purpose and intention.

I look forward to sharing yoga with you,
